Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Computers Saved the World and Ruined it

I'm typing out this blog and sending it out to the whole world yet check out the title of the post.

In my mind it's true. The world has been saved in that we now have, more and quicker research into health issues, communication systems that can save lives and many things such as that. OK so much for the good.

The problems may out weigh the good. The computer has convinced many people they are smart and competent in their jobs and that's just not true. They may know how to log on to a computer, do a spread sheet, put together a barely coherent email but to actually do their job they don't have a clue. They just follow what is in the procedures they were taught when they took the job. But learn it, improve it, understand how it works so they can go beyond it and think unconventionally, and by doing so maybe contribute something besides a carbon footprint to life forget it. That would require thinking and the computer has relieved human kind of that need. Turn on a computer, a TV, a blackberry what have you in the way of electronic gadgetry and why do you have to think? You don't. All you do is type in a question and the computer answers you. You then do what the computer says to do and you're all set. Perfect robots or cyborgs. Thinking has gone the way of the flint knife, or the bow and arrow it is obsolete. I feel they don't even teach thinking or how to be an individual in school, you ask to many questions make the person that passes for a teacher have to actually think before answering a question, or if you day dream as a kid, or maybe your art is not what is considered the norm. Oh well the computer says we can't have that so you need medication (this generation's lobotomy) and you spend the rest of your time in school looking at pretty images on the computer and drooling.
So with the computer doing all the thinking and medications taking away all free thought where is the next generation of thinkers going to come from? Or are they already here, the ones who write the computers programs, the ones who make you do what the computer says to do. Is a version of the movie "The Matrix" already here? Only we haven't evolved to the pod stage yet.
Why would people want computers to think. Artificial intelligence why? Up until now in recorded history man did the thinking machines did the work. Why would someone want to change it so that people did the work and machines thought? The computer does make a lot of things easier to do. It should be used as an aid to work as a shovel is used instead of digging with your hands, same for a chain saw over an axe but not in place of work or thinking. I pity the up coming generations, where are they going to find their Ben Franklin's, Thomas Jefferson's,Thomas Edison's? Who is going to lead them to the stars, or under the oceans if they can't think their way thru anything, all they can do is follow a computer generated guide.
Hopefully it's not to late.
